Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2025 - Last updated: March 1, 2025


Author: Tahneer Oksman

Title: An Art of Loss

Subtitle: -

In: Spaces Between: Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics

Edited by: Nina Eckhoff-Heindl and Véronique Sina

Place: Wiesbaden

Publisher: Springer VS

Year: 2020 (Published online: July 17, 2020)

Pages: 187-200

ISBN-13: 9783658301156 - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9783658301163 (ebk.) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 21st Century | European History: Austrian History, English History | Victims: Reactions / Narratives; Representations: Comics / Becoming Unbecoming, Heute ist der letzte Tag vom Rest deines Lebens


- Google Books (Limited Preview)

- SpringerLink (Free Access)


Author: Tahneer Oksman, Department of Writing, Literature, and Language, Marymount Manhattan College - Personal Website,, Google Scholar, Knowledge Commons

Abstract: »This essay opens with a reading of a number of recent autobiographical exhibitions and books by illustrator, artist, and writer Maira Kalman. Oksman argues that a close reading of Kalman’s trans-medial, repetitive, and elliptical modes of telling her family’s history between and across various projects and texts, and using images and words, often in sequence, makes room for better understanding representations of loss in comics. Introducing two formal strategies apparent from Kalman’s works, ‘cumulatio’ and ‘combination,’ Oksman reads two contemporary autobiographical comics of loss that utilize such techniques. In Ulli Lust’s Today is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life (2013) and Una’s Becoming Unbecoming (2016), formal strategies of ‘cumulation’ and ‘combination’ help establish how individual losses are set in a dynamic, relational network.« (Source: Article)

  Abstract (p. 187)
  Acknowledgements (p. 199)
  Bibliography (p. 199)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of Austria, History of England | Comics: Austrian comics artists / Ulli Lust | Comics: British graphic novels / Becoming Unbecoming | Sex and the law: Child sexual abuse, Sexual harassment